Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Osama's wives!

America was just granted permission to question and obtain intel from the wives of Osama (or Usama?) bin Laden. Pakistan seemed ready to grant us permission on Monday! He has three wives, some with children, and they are all planned on being questioned. "We're in high-level consultations with Pakistani officials" say government officials about when discussing the issue of questioning the multiple wives of Bin Laden. Interviewing and possibly recieving intel could be extemely beneficial and hopefully it intensifies our progress on the war on terrorism.

Friday, May 6, 2011

marine daily workout

Need to take baby steps to get into shape? Dont just jump into weights and expect a drastic improvement in a week! you need to start with the basics. Before anything too intense, try this once a day!:

Jumping jacks -- Stand with your arms at your sides. Hop up and spread your legs just wider than your shoulders. At the same time, swing your arms up and touch them above your head. Return to starting position.
Cherry pickers -- Stand with your arms at your sides. Lean over and touch the ground in front of you as far out as you can without losing your balance, then touch the ground between your legs and finally the ground behind your legs before returning to the starting position.
Bend and thrust -- Stand with your arms at your sides. Squat down and put your hands on the ground. Thrust your legs out behind you to assume the push-up position. Reverse until you are standing again.
Mountain climbers -- Begin by squatting down with your hands on the ground. One leg should be extended and one tucked up under you. Begin switching the position of the legs back and forth.
Trunk twists -- Stand with your arms on your hips and lean forward, to the left side, back and to the right side in a broad circular motion.
Marine push-ups -- From a prone position on the ground, have your feet together and balance on your toes. Have your hands on the ground at shoulder width apart with the arms tucked at the sides. Push off the ground until just before your elbows lock. Keep your back straight. Lower yourself back to the ground, only touching your chest to the ground.
Lunges -- From a standing position with your hands on your hips, step forward with one foot and lower the opposite knee to the ground. Push back with your extended foot until you are standing again. Switch legs.

Some of these are pretty challenging after awhile. But if you are having trouble just drop down the reps. And when you think you're getting tired, just remember.. a fully active marine does these every morning, fifty repititions a piece, followed by a 3 to five mile run. Soooooo.........

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Running is like eating to me. It's a necessity. Some people have to pray every night before bed, some people people have to take pills, brush their teeth, clean their room in order to gain enough peace of mind to actually fall asleep. I have to run. Sometimes I don't even feel like it but now its a heroin that needs to be consumed in its entirety before I can feel completely relaxed and have everything in check. Trying to get through the day without the endorphins would be like a week with no food, no water, no clothing.. nothing would be as enjoyable without the refuge that I am placed in after chasing after the high that is awarded after running.

Ned Vizinni's Style n' Stuff

Ned Vizinni is my favorite author becuase he speaks out of thought so much and makes a lot of metaphors. In my favorite book he speaks from the point of view of a troubled teenage guy who inserts himself into a mental hospitol. Just like the excerpt from my previous post, you can constantly notice his ability to speak through the voice of his characters. This skill is really impressive to me and really shows his flexibility as an author.